Assetto Corsa Competizione

Diskutiere Assetto Corsa Competizione im PC Games / Hardware Forum im Bereich Andere Systeme; Viele verstehen bei Forza allerdings nicht, dass bei hohen Kurvengeschwindigkeiten nen niedrigerer Lenkeinschlag mehr ist. Beispielsweise die...

KamiKateR 1990

Spielt doch keine Rolle ob Sim oder Arcade. Es kommt auf die implementierte Pad Lenkhilfe an. Würde man die derart ausgeprägte von Forza in AC oder sonstwo hinbasteln würde es sich da auch so gut lenken bzw. so smooth lenken. Man bekommt es ja fast hin in AC und Pcars mit den Einstellungen. Sogar besser m.M.n. weil die geschwindigkeitsabhängige Lenkhilfe von Forza viel zu stark eingreift, nicht einstellbar ist und es einfach zur Hölle nervt wie weit man stellenweise verlangsamen muss das mehr Lenkwinkel freigegeben wird dadurch das die Lenkung nicht linear ist. Das ist ziemlich ätzend wenn man mal wieder mit Pad in Forza fährt ^^

Jedenfalls ist der Satz das nur Arcade Games mit Pad gehen überholt. Da gehört ne Menge mehr zu. Es gibt auch Leute die mit Pad kein Forza fahren können weil es eben gefühlt total träge ist und der Karren nicht lenkt bei Geschwindigkeiten bei denen die jeweillige Kurve locker gehen würde. Können und Eingewöhnung brauch man für alle Eingabegeräte. In AC sind damals jedenfalls auch auf PC Leute mit Pad an die Spitze der Leaderboards gefahren.
Viele verstehen bei Forza allerdings nicht, dass bei hohen Kurvengeschwindigkeiten nen niedrigerer Lenkeinschlag mehr ist. Beispielsweise die superschnelle Doppellinks auf Spa (weiß den Namen gerade nicht, rede aber nicht von Blanchimont): wer da nicht voll einlenkt sondern nen bisschen weniger, kann locker mit 20km/h mehr(je nach Fahrzeug) durchfahren. Aber maximaler Lenkeinschlag am Analogstick is natürlich viel einfacher...


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Du kannst doch gar nicht voll einlenken mit der Lenkhilfe in Forza. Je höher die Geschwindigkeit desto weniger Einschlag am Vorderrad auch wenn du den Stick voll rumhaust. Das ist doch das was ich meine weil es viel zu ausgeprägt ist. Das ist doch der "Vorteil" der Lenkhilfe das du praktisch nicht zuviel lenken kannst, die Reifen nicht überfährst durch zuviel Lenkung aber in Wirklichkeit greift die viel zu stark weil man eben mehr verlangsamen muss bis Lenkung freigegeben wird bei engen Kurven was suckt im Vergleich. Das ist in RR, AC und Pcars viel besser da einstellbar auf ein Niveau das man die Reifen nicht quält aber trotzdem sehr gut um die Ecken kommt statt diesem trägen Feeling in Forza.
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KamiKateR 1990

Du kannst doch gar nicht voll einlenken mit der Lenkhilfe in Forza. Je höher die Geschwindigkeit desto weniger Einschlag am Vorderrad auch wenn du den Stick voll rumhaust. Das ist doch das was ich meine weil es viel zu ausgeprägt ist. Das ist doch der "Vorteil" der Lenkhilfe das du praktisch nicht zuviel lenken kannst, die Reifen nicht überfährst durch zuviel Lenkung aber in Wirklichkeit greift die viel zu stark weil man eben mehr verlangsamen muss bis Lenkung freigegeben wird bei engen Kurven was suckt im Vergleich.
Das kommt wohl immernoch auf den Fahrzeugtyp an... Ich fahr ausschließlich ab GT3 aufwärts... ^^ da ist mir bisher bei jedem Fahrzeug aufgefallen, dass der volle Einschlagwinkel bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten zuviel ist.


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Egal ich wollte nur mit dem festgefahrenen Gerücht aufräumen das alles was sich gut mit Pad fahren lässt keine Sim sein kann, bzw. über realistische Fajrphysik verfügen kann.

So harsch eingreifennde geschwindigkeitabhängige Dämpfung hätten die bitter nötig gehabt ^^

Back to Topic :)

Sehr interessantes Kunos Interview mit Red Bull:

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Assetto hab ich bisher noch nicht gespielt. Aber Project Cars 1 spiele ich seit dem Moment wo es in der Early Access Phase war. Man braucht vielleicht etwas mehr Zeit als bei Forza um die Steuerung zu beherrschen, aber dann geht es super. Assetto werde ich mir demnächst anschauem


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Kleines Info Video vom Dookie zum Release Plan der EA...

Und herrlich wie gut KI Racing aussehen kann wenn man sieht wie schön die da die letzte Schikane auf Spa nehmen. Keine Berührung der Fahrzeuge ! So muss das sein... Bei Forza rollt da nur ne zusammen gequetschte Blechlawine durch weil ohne Kontakt können die Blindpesen ja nicht fahren und das suckt so hart :D

KamiKateR 1990

Kleines Info Video vom Dookie zum Release Plan der EA...

Und herrlich wie gut KI Racing aussehen kann wenn man sieht wie schön die da die letzte Schikane auf Spa nehmen. Keine Berührung der Fahrzeuge ! So muss das sein... Bei Forza rollt da nur ne zusammen gequetschte Blechlawine durch weil ohne Kontakt können die Blindpesen ja nicht fahren und das suckt so hart :D
Ich weiß nicht was du hast. Ich bin locker 1000 Runden gegen Drivatare auf Spa gefahren und hatte nie auch nur einen Crash in dieser Schikane, außer ICH hab mich verbremst. Und nein ich hab die KI Aggressivität nicht reduziert.


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die ki bei forza 7 ist stellenweise ganz schön auf krawall gebürstet. da versagt die ki manchmal auf ganzer linie.


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@KamiKateR 1990 das is ja nix neues das du mit der KI und wie sie agiert in Forza zufrieden bist. Belassen wir es einfach dabei. Ich bin jedenfalls hellauf begeistert von dem was man bisher von der ACC KI sehen konnte. #thatsracing :)

Noch 6 Wochen warten...

Auch gut >

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Ich weiß nicht was du hast. Ich bin locker 1000 Runden gegen Drivatare auf Spa gefahren und hatte nie auch nur einen Crash in dieser Schikane, außer ICH hab mich verbremst. Und nein ich hab die KI Aggressivität nicht reduziert.
Also mich rammen sie kräftig weg.
Ist schon mal nervig und ärgerlich.


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Das sie einen oft vom Kurs klatschen passiert auch ja aber mich stört vor allem das es nicht ohne Kontakt durch eine Kurve oder Überholmanöver im Pulk ablaufen kann. Grad das die KI andere Fahrzeuge bemerkt drauf reagiert und Platz macht um Kontakt zu vermeiden so wie man es selbst macht bringt für mich tolles KI Racing und davon ist nichts in Forza. Leider. Bin letztens Nürburgring gefahren da hätte ich gar nicht lenken oder Gas geben brauchen in Turn 1 weil mich die "Lawine" komplett eingequetscht hat und ich mitgeschleift wurde :D Und die Eau Rouge können sie schon lange nicht flüssig fahren und bremsen auch sonst oft komplett überflüssig an den unmöglichsten Stellen :p

Vielleicht bin ich auch einfach zu verwöhnt von anderen Games ^^

Aber genug davon ich muss noch nen drittel Karriere beenden in F7 :D
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Assetto Corsa Competizione 0.1.2| Singleplayer Race | Huracan GT3 @ Nürburgring GP



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– Fixed “No VR no buy”
– New first-gen Bentley Continental GT3
– New Misano Circuit
– Aero: Non circulatory lift implemented
– Setup UI and logic changes to accomodate a big number of damper clicks
– Hotlap has fixed fuel load (10L). Also fuel load slider is not available in UI in hotlap sessions
– Bumpstop telemetry graphs in setup mechanical balance screen
– Fixes and fine tuning in setup aero screen
– Decimal numbers in front aero variation values
– Code for realistic (displayed) brake bias values
– Brake bias variation now possible in decimal numbers
– Fine tuning on preset setups
– Setup name now shown on top screen title
– Setup name adds an asterisk when user changes setup values, indicating saving is needed.
– UI warning when users tries to load a different setup, or a preset, indicating that you might lose your setup changes if any
– Setup protection against out of limits values
– Setup Input/Output filtering for car and circuit
– Setup navigation fixes
– Fine tuning of Huracan suspension geometry and dampers
– Fine tuning of tyre model camber gain, IMO heat range, and more
– FFB option screen new sliders: dynamic damper, road effects
– controls.json extra FFB values. minDamper, damperGain
– Stability control is now using different logic
– Reworked driver steering animation
– Adjusted safety net position in the Lamborghini Huracán GT3
– Added driver assets for the teams featured
– Adjusted water spray effects in the night
– Nurburgring fixes and improvements
– Added HUD option for speed unit toggle
– Added timetables to pause menu & post-session
– Added sharpness option to video settings
– Added pitch angle adjustment to camera settings
– Added Save, Cancel, Defaults and Quit buttons to camera settings
– Proximity indicator toggle in HUD options
– Added Sprint Race Weekend and Hotlap Superpole in Game Mode options
– Track selection page navigation fixes
– Fixed bug when loading the last gamemode settings
– Added auto engine start
– Added auto pitlimiter
– Fixed Pitlimiter issue with pitlimiter lights on toggle
– Added multiple starting lights logic
– Added pitstop logic (basic) for humam and AI
– Added Sprint race weekend system
– Practice and Qualify Overtime has a max time of 3 minutes
– Controller page: Starter, Look functions and Shift can’t be set as advanced
– Fixed engine forced shut off when return on track after setup changes
– Fixed wrong weather key on json
– Fixed weather selection on UI not reset after a special event
– Added New camera sequence for Full formation lap
– Tweaked Marshal system to avoid false spline recognition
– Added logic for flags when in entry and exit lane (slower speed are allowed without raising any flag)
– Reworked steer scale/steer inverted control options
– Removed confusing ghost car time references in the gui
– Added base version of end session highlights
– Fixed music still on after cliking drive or restarting
– Audio engine optimizations
– Added superpole/pitwindow/hotstint event spotter
– Fixed double engine start inside the reverb zone
– Minor tweaks for tyres scrub sound on dry and wet conditions
– Fixed clicks in particular camera switches
– Fixed pit alarm sound for Nurburgring
– Minor tweaks for crowd and track speakers distance attenuation
– Fixed announcer voice stops after some minutes
– Fixed bodywork noise entering the setup page
– Removed the possibility to change lights/wiper stage in the replay
– Fixed mirror visibility in the replay
– Added current session time, car lap time, valid lap and fuel for replay
– Slow Motion now affects the entire world
– Fixed slow motion pause state for replay hud
– Stability control is now less performant with steering wheel to avoid being used as illegal aid

Assetto Corsa Competizione 0.2.0 | Bentley Continental GT3 | Misano World Circuit



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– New Ferrari 488 GT3
– New Hungaroring circuit
– Preview: Race weekends in Multiplayer
– Added version 1 of the Broadcasting SDK (including test/example application)
– Fixed look around in chase camera
– Added Lock to Horizon option for Cockpit cameras (Alt+H to toggle, Shift+H and Ctrl+H to increment/decrement partial effect)
– Added Confirm popup for NextSession, Restart, Pits and Quit button in ingame menu
– Mirror options are now split in two: “Quality” and “View distance”
– Added Fuel indicator in car HUD
– Added Laps information for Hotstint online leaderboards on “Special events” page
– Corrected brake heat influence on core tyre temps
– Adjustments in cars inertia
– Adjustments in tyre model and tyre flex, should result in better kerb behaviour
– Added TC2 (TC initial cut) feature of F488. Physics, Controls, Setup
– Fixed Tyres IMO (Inside Mid Outside) HUD visualisation
– Fixed Ferrari 488 AI stopping without fuel in long races
– Fixed wrong car systems during replay
– Added lap tag in the replay HUD
– Fixed cumulative automatic highlights endtime
– Instant replay support for Broadcast app
– Fixed focused car when entering or leaving replay
– Fixed wrong time session start after a restart/next session
– Fixed potential exterior camera issues for multiplayer
– Fixed potential wrong near plane during starting sequence
– Fixed proximity indicator according to the focused car
– Added new skins for featured cars
– Car dash luminosity readjusted for new exposure values
– New Total (TO) rating representing strength and completeness (visible in the Rating Profile)
– New driver category (visible in the Rating Profile)
– CarControl Rating adjustments: alien performance now will still have overdrive, but less significant
– CarControl Rating adjustments: very good driving performance will show values of CC 95+
– TR/CN/CC: Fixed false-positive detection of “way too hard” for bends and kinks
– Hotstint now shows laps in the menu leaderboard
– Hotstint gaps now correctly display lap gaps / time gap within the same lap
– Added backend connection state indicator to relevant menu pages
– Added HUD page for broadcasting
– Added HUD page with the current timetables
– Holding TAB will temporarily show the timetables HUD page
– Prevent Ambient sound to play during in game menu
– Improved camera fading when switching cameras

Assetto Corsa Competizione 0.4.0 | Ferrari 488 GT3 | Hungaroring

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– New Emil Frey Jaguar G3 car.
– New laserscanned Circuit Zolder racetrack.
– New special events with online leaderboards.
– Fixed disappearing main menu UI in VR.
– Texture memory optimizations.
– Fixed a chase cam rotation bug.
– Fixed a TV camera bug.
– Car light improvements in TV camera views.
– New inertia calculation method and new more accurate inertia value (advice for setups, use softer fast damper to let the body move and settle, instead of having the car and wheels jumping)
– New motion ratio calculation for dampers resulting in more accurate values dedicated for each car.
– New ABS feature. ABS now never lets higher than 70% difference between left and right brake pressure. Improves behaviour on extreme torque vectoring, like braking and going through a water puddle with one side of the car, but can result in inner wheel locking if driver insists braking hard while turning into a turn. Might need more rear brake bias on certain cars.
– Improved ABS logic, resulting in better turn-in under braking, on certain cars (most notably modern cars such as the Huracán, F488, BMW M6).
– Improved TC off on gear-change functionality. TC is instantly switched off and on again when a gearchange occurs, in order to protect the engine and drivetrain from heavy vibrations, especially on situations where kerbs and the engine limiter are involved (part of real cars’ TC logic too, occasionally they will even not allow the gearchange). Now the TC off timing is car-dedicated and optimised. Some cars might handle a gear change better than others.
– Improved tyre thermal model, especially wet tyres.
– Improved tyre grip when tyres are overheated, such as after a spin.
– More tyre wear when tyres are overheated, no free meal.
– Corrected bumpstop position and functionality of the Ferrari 488 GT3.
– New ECU maps for all cars. ECU maps now influence power, fuel consumption and throttle maps. Usually the lower number is the more powerful and has the most power consumption. After the initial 3-4 values, it switches to wet ECUmaps with similar power and fuel consumption but different throttle maps. Please check the official forum for all the released cars’ ECU map characteristics.
– New launch control for all cars. Now with manual clutch, just engage 1st gear, put the clutch and accelerator to the floor and the engine will stabilize around 5000rpm. Release the clutch gradually while keeping the accelerator fully open to avoid stalling.
– Audio engine optimizations
– Fixed potential wrong volumes switching cameras
– Fixed time multiplier for the end race replay
– Fixed wrong trackmap cars position during replay
– Intro sequence updated

Assetto Corsa Competizione 0.5.2 | Quick Race + Replay | Emil Frey Jaguar G3 @ Circuit Zolder

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Changelog v0.6.0

– Added Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3 2018 model year.

– Added Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3 2015 model year.

– Added Monza Circuit.

– Driving (F1) cameras reworked: added two more driving cameras (dash pro – with car hidden intended for built cockpits – and far chase), game now remembers last used camera and added option to lock/hide driver and steering wheel per car. Lateral camera adjustment now also exposed in the View Settings.

– Camera movement settings now stored in Config/CameraSettings.jon, the old CameraOptionsEA.json is deprecated. General Movement adjusts movements in cockpit camera, Dashcam Factor adjust how much of that movement is transferred to the dash and bonnet cameras.

IMPORTANT: old camera settings will be lost.

– Look L/R now works correctly in helmet camera. Look L/R looks to the side mirrors.

– TV onboard (F6) cameras added for available cars.

– Free (F7) camera now available with Cinema HUD (open with mouse scroll button).

NOTE: this is NOT a full-feature camera mode, but allows players to enjoy visuals to a greater degree and take screenshots.

– Rewrite of multiplayer/gameplay code to improve stability and session progression.

– Ingame menus restructured and divided into Garage and Pause menu.

– Ingame HUD reorganised and added session status widget.

– New Radar widget added to HUD based on the popular app for the original Assetto Corsa.

– Updated configuration for dedicated servers, see

– Introducing dynamic weather: (potentially) available on official Kunos Practice servers only until relevant game and UI features are added.

– Multiplayer sessions now emulate race weekends: rubber, dry line (general: weather and track status) represent the situation based on race day and time of day.

– UI and video settings are now stored in text files (…Documents\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Config\menuSettings.json).

IMPORTANT: your previous menu, graphical and game settings will be lost.

– Added advanced video settings, including mirror resolution, sharpening filter, material quality level, temporal upsampling, volumetric fog, bloom, camera dirt effect and foliage.

– Default graphics settings adjusted to allow for higher performance without noticeable loss to visual quality.

– Added session type tags in the UI car selection page to help identify entries eligible in different race types.

NOTE: In quick race mode, the opponent field is generated based on the player’s choice of entry.

– Added model year tag in the UI car selection to help identify car models in different evo versions.

– Assist options will now reliably update when changed during a session.

– Further adjustments to headlight effects in TV cameras.

– More realistic full formation lap with AI.

– AI aggressiveness tuning.

– AI grid generation now takes into account real life driver skill. Quick Race grids are generated with more consistency.

– Number of opponents increased to track capacity: bigger fields are now possible as a result, the current limit depends on each individual track.

NOTE: Sprint races (both in race weekend and quick race modes) retain grid size limitation due to the number of available real-life entries.

– Improved raindrop effects on car windshields.

– Water spray from opponent cars now affects the player car’s windshield in a dynamic way, taking into account distance, speed and track wetness.

– Automatic wiper assist now reacts to water spray and not just rain.

– Improvements to the appearance of wet and damp track surfaces, especially in low-wetness ranges, which should improve the perception of track conditions.

– Improvements to car vs. track surface collisions.

– Audio channel usage optimization.

– Reworked and more reliable marshalling system with checkered, yellow, white and blue flags.

– Added new spotter messages.

– Added race communication alerts.

– Losing the server connection (e.g. by a server restart) will now trigger a permanent message.

– Important race communication alerts are displayed for a longer time.

– Better highlights overtake detection.

– Optimized CPU use on all threads.

– Optimized replay memory usage.

– Optimized netcode and bandwith usage for Multiplayer servers.

– Volume and audio settings now affect the intro music.

– Added video sequences volume.

– Fixes to various car LODs to reduce pop-in in racing scenarios.

– Adjusted driver position in the BMW M6 GT3.

– Adjusted driver steering animations.

– Adjusted wet tyre shader and added ambient occlusion on tyres.

– Fixed potentially wrong resolution and crashes when starting the game.

– Fixed multiple crashes occurring when quitting sessions.

– Fixed replay time multiplier not resetting on session change.

– Fixed potentially wrong car location detection.

– Fixed static car shadow fading out at high speeds.

– Improved tyre model combined grip.

– Improved tyre heat model, especially in overheat conditions.

– Tyre wear is now affected differently by different kerbs, concrete and other surfaces.

– Tweaks in preset setups for all cars (we highly advise to not use older setups).

– Improved vertical surfaces aero model.

– MoTeC Telemetry implementation.

– Setup Electronics page now includes a slider to select the number of telemetry laps to be saved at the end of a driving session.

– MoTeC ACC dedicated workspace, created from Blancpain telemetry engineer used for evaluating basic setup and driver performance.

– Added native DBox SDK support.

– Added option to enable/disable native Fanatec LEDs.

– Setup minimum fuel load set at 2 litres for all cars.

– Fixed Ferrari 488 GT3 wrong fuel visualization in setup screen.

– Steering ratio tweaks for all cars.

– Monza BoP A adjustments for all cars.

– Tweaks in tyres dirt accumulation and grip levels when going on grass and sand.

– Sand traps now slow the cars down.

– Fix to unreliable car spawn in certain situations.

– Flipped cars will automatically spawn in the pits.

– Severe cutting will result in immediate disqualification in any type of Multiplayer sessions.

– Ratings: Track Competence (TR) has improved feedback in the UI; you will see all the sectors necessary, so the progress is easy to understand.

– Ratings: Track Competence (TR) algorithm improved to reduce false positive aborts.

– Ratings: Consistency (CN) was rewritten during the refactoring; it should work similarly but has improved precision on various aspects.

– Ratings: Car Control (CC) largely improved algorithm and UI feedback. It is a lot harder to gain higher ratings, unless you are driving very well.

– Ratings: Car Control (CC) now understands the concept of turning the wheel too much, and give appropriate feedback.

– NOTE: Pace (PC) and Total (TO) ratings will be improved and adjusted during the days after this version.

– NOTE: The maximum number of all ratings will be set to 99 (instead of 100).


– Backend servers: improved reconnection stability.

– Backend servers: fixed multiplayer sessions not registering stats and laptimes in certain situations.

– Passworded servers can now be created.

– Single player Sprint Race Weekend mode reworked and now has forced tyre change and driver swap.

NOTE: Endurance Race Weekend game mode is temporarily disabled until supporting features and UI elements are completed (pit stops and penalties).

NOTE: Pit stop crew animations are temporarily disabled until full functionality is retained.

NOTE: The Broadcasting API is temporarily disabled

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– Opened SRO E-Sports Series – Round 1 special event.
NOTE: This special event is controlled remotely and may be invisible for a short time after the release.
– Reintroducing Endurance game modes.
– Added Custom Race Weekend mode that allows you to completely customize a race weekend, including number of races, mandatory pit stops and time multiplier.
NOTE: Some features, such as the Superpole session will become available in the full release of the game.
– Introducing penalties for various on-track transgressions: pitlane speeding, cutting, failure to serve mandatory pitstop within the pit window.
Penalties include warnings, drive-through, stop&go and disqualification. Cutting is penalized depending on time gained. Cuts with large gains result in DQ straight away. Speeding in the pitlane may remove your fastest lap in non-race sessions, and serious speeding results in DQ straight away. Added penalty for reversing.
– Introducing pit stops with refuel, tyre change, damage repair and serving penalties.
– Introducing dynamic weather, custom weather and track status presets: the Weather page in the menu now allows you to select existing presets and enable dynamic weather for each single one of them. The preset defines the starting conditions, and also have a significant effect on what you can expect. Weather variability can range from 1 to 100%.
The Custom weather preset allows you to set each aspect of the conditions, including cloud cover, the intensity of rain and levels of track wetness and standing water.
NOTE: Selecting the Clear weather preset and high variability doesn’t mean that you can expect drastic changes over a short period. Cloudy weather on the other hand, has a much bigger probability of producing precipitation, but variability can also render conditions to improve significantly.
NOTE: The weather is designed to be dynamic over realistic periods of time. However, as it uses game-time, the player can accelerate weather transitions by using the time multiplier.
– Various improvements in cut detection and corresponding penalties.
– Fixed engine start assist sometimes failing to restart the car.
– Added input to change secondary (Racelogic device) pages. Cycles between current laptime, delta, stint time and speed). Default key is ALT+D.
– Added input to toggle wiper on and off. Uses last selected wiper speed. Default key is ALT+W.
– Replay pause: now updated on random access.
– Replay pause: now possible to use the free camera controls with the same speed as 1x speed.
– Improved management of automatic highlights priority and avoiding flood.
– Option file for replay in [Documents/Assetto Corsa Competizione]/Config/replay.json
– Added possibility to reduce saved replay time in options/general.
– Fixed wheel speed with different replay playing times.
– Fixed replay focused camera for disconnected cars during random access.
– Next car/previous shortcut is now based on relative car positions.
– Improved logic for white/yellow/blue flag and optimizations for marshalls.
– Fixed fireworks/tracklight/endmode for replay.
– Permanent spotter message groups.
– Added short wait time at the start of the formation to allow enough time for manual starting procedure.

– Fixed Safety Rating (SA) decaying in both race and solo conditions.
– Improved Racecraft Rating (RC) development directly after unlocking.
– Improved Consistency Rating (CN), should now be more sensitive to inconsistencies.
– Improved Consistency Rating (CC) to be less volatile.
– Improved ingame rating widget to highlight rating value gains.
– Rating widget will now allow to unlock the highest rating Competition (CP) and remain in collapsed state then.
– Added data charts and insights for SA and RC rating Driver Profile Rating Page.
– Fixed driver category assignment in Total Rating page, added Beginner and Rookie categories.
– Due to the significant changes in RC and SA, both ratings will be reset. Progress in TR, CN and CC will remain.

– Fixed a bug in VR that caused the racing HUD to flicker and hit performance by constantly re-rendering the overlay.
– Introducing visual and mechanical damage:
Mechanical damage affects bodywork, suspension, aero and tyres.
Visual damage affects bodywork, windows, can deform body parts and also affects the functionality of headlights.
– Added dynamic windshield dirt effects that are cleaned off during pit stops.
– Added blurred brake disc visuals.
– Fix for Dash and DashPro cameras having wrong offset/rotation when using custom settings.
– Fix for wrong camera pitch after F1 cycle with lock to horizon enabled.

– First release of the new multi-page and multi-functional widget, replacing the old Standings widget.
It contains a real-time track position page, standings, pit stop strategy and car electronics. Navigation is possible with all navigation inputs, including keyboard arrows, D-Pad and mouse.
It enables the player to control all car-related inputs (TC, ABS, wiper, lights, rain light etc.) on the fly, without having to map each key to the steering wheel/button box.
NOTE: the MFD uses navigation inputs, which means input overlap may need some bindings to be remapped.
NOTE: the MFD navigation in VR is not yet functional, thank you for your patience.
– Introducing weather forecast and grip status widget: a simple widget on the HUD that alerts the player of changing weather forecast in 10 and 30-minute projections. It is also visible on the race and setup screens.
NOTE: It shows weather forecast in real-world time, which means in accelerated sessions the forecast will be translated to a time that is easier to understand for the player.
– Fixed timing issues on car dash displays.
– Additional server information on Multiplayer lobby page, including session status and dynamic weather indicator.
– HUD pages can now by cycled backwards using Shift+F2.
– Added realtime track position widget.
NOTE: it is now the default page inside the MFD in multi-car sessions.
– Weather and Track status summary now visible on the weather tile in the Single Player page.
– Added helper information for various single player pages and the new weather page.
– Added tyre pressure readout on tyre app to help users who do not use cockpit cameras monitor tyre pressure.

– Optimizations in multithreaded CPU calculations.
– Brake duct simulation. Influences brake disc heat and braking efficiency, but also rim and air temperature inside the tyre and thus pressure and general tyre temperature.
– Brake duct settings in setup aero screen for all cars. Setting 0 is a completely closed duct and can provoke brake fade very very fast, exceeding 1000°C. Never to be used in a real race, but added for simracer’s gratification. Setting 6 is completely open and can keep the brakes very cold.
The peak temperature is of course important but keep in mind that a low setting not only heats up more, but doesn’t cool down the brake in the straights, so the heat accumulates and keeps dissipating heat to the tyres.
Ideally you want your front brake HUD to show green or slight yellow at the end of your braking zone and your rear, green. Don’t judge after just 2,3 braking zones. Do a couple of laps and let the brakes do some heat/cool cycles to arrive at a balanced condition.
– Suspension damage for all cars (WIP).
– Basic aero damage for all cars (WIP).
– Optimizations to tyre flex at very low speeds, to diminish or even eliminate an FFB vibration around 50kmh.
– Added tyre pressure and potential puncture influenced by riding kerbs aggressively.
If you ride stepped kerbs with low tyre pressure (cold tyre) the tyre flex might provoke pressure loss. How much pressure loss is not easy to predict, but the lower the pressure the more pressure loss will happen. Hitting the kerbs and sliding laterally over them with low pressures can result to a tyre deflation losing all pressure instantly in less than a lap. Avoid kerbs with very cold tyres at all costs. When the tyre has adequate pressure, the risk of loss of pressure is almost null so you can attack kerbs again. Be careful when racing on slick tyres when it starts raining. The tyres will lose temperature very fast and so you must avoid kerbs until you enter for your pitstop. Any pressure over 26psi is relatively safe. The whole system is complex, brand new and we are still working on it. Thank you for your patience.
– Improved collision model, which significantly benefits car-to-ground collisions. Also brings significant improvements to car behaviour when attacking any kind of kerbs.
– Start ECU assist now has more discreet intervention because of the launch control implementation. To start, just floor it in 1st gear with clutch on and revs will be limited to 5000rpm. The less start assist should aid when trying to spin around on grass after a track exit.
– Tweaked TC logic for all cars. Permits more slippage in straight line and more angle. Can result in more oversteery cars in lower TC settings so take care when track is slippery.
– Fixed bug that could cause an event to start with tyres in ambient temperature if user clicked directly on drive.
– Wet tyre adjustments.
– Slick tyres optimum pressure range now 1-2 psi higher.

– Exterior engine volumes are now higher.
– Interior engine volumes are now higher.
– Fixed wind sound in tunnel/underpass sometimes not played properly.
– Fixed pit alarm sirens sometimes not played properly.
– Tuned exterior volume for engine reverb and reflection.
– Tuned volume attenuation curve for opponents when the player is in cockpit/chase cameras.
– New radio messages and alerts, including penalties, damage, tyre pressure warning.
– Fixed possible crash changing device for xaudio2.
– Fixed inconsistencies in ambient zone audio.
– Updated fmod to version 1.10.10.

– Fixed issue where the HUD would vanish after a session transition.
– Enabled server rating requirements, see updates in
– Added dirt and visual damage to Multiplayer.
– Improved server lobby stability.
– Enabled dynamic weather in multiplayer server configuration, see updates in
– Improved race-weekend track condition simulation in Multiplayer when dynamic weather is used.
– Safety (SA) and Racecraft (RC) ratings will change with a drastically reduced rate on password protected servers.
– Added server admin commands: /kick and /ban.

Release 29. Mai !!


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